We have been looking into new markets for our daily online news service. Our flagship website, www.HermannHearsay.blogspot.com, has gotten off to a great start! We are now approaching 300 online subscribers at Hermann Hearsay.
Today we finalized our decision to enter the Berger and Little Berger news market. We are proud to announce the opening of our new website, www.BergerBaloneyWithMayo.blogspot.com.
For the time being, Clark Kant, our editor at Hermann Hearsay, will be responsible for starting up our new venture. There's a possibility that we'll promote Jimmy Oldsun, one of our bright and shining young reporters at Hermann Hearsay, to take over the new Berger website. But we first want to make sure that Jimmy can control his womanizing and drinking problems.
Either way, we hope you enjoy our new news service, Berger Baloney With Mayo.
Truman T. Tiger
Owner and Publisher of TTTNN
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